Back to school tips
September meaning to return to the routine. The end of the summer and holidays.
The first days could be difficult, since we have in mind this amazing travel, summer dinners with friends or a short break to the beach, but even so September is that month, in which for many people, start the "year" with new intentions and goals to get, and one of those would be invest some time for yourself. Moments to recharge you, to stay away, investing in your well being and avoid getting stressed.
One of the types of massage that we recommend to start with 0 stress and relaxed is the Ayurveda massage. For those who do not know, was originated in India, 6000 years ago.
The Ayurveda massage has many health benefits, improve the immune system, increase the flexibility, helps to remove toxins since works with the lymphatic system and reduces stress and anxiety.
Come to travel to a world of sensations!