
Happy Sant Jordi's Day

Happy Sant Jordi's Day
The day of Sant Jordi is approaching, a call to culture and love that we love, for this reason and to celebrate this special day, from Evasiom Spa we offer you a 20% discount on web vouchers on days 21, 22 and April 23rd.

You just have to enter the code SANTJORDI21 before finalizing your purchase.

More information by calling 93 410 76 02 or writing an email with your questions to


-Vouchers exchangeable as of April 26, 2021.

-The vouchers have an expiration of 6 months from the date of purchase.

-The purchase and / or use of this gift voucher implies acceptance of the rules of use of Evasiom Spa, available at the reception and through the web.

-Not combinable with other promotions.
